Hard Edge Marble
2008 saw the introduction of the Hard-edge Marble, which reproduces a tortoise pattern on the Hard-edge, using its angular surfaces as its canvas. The patterning on the translucent body are spray-painted by hand in multiple layers using “Floated” stencils, then polished to perfection. These mottled gradations are never exactly the same, and are unique to each lighter—creating depth and an interplay of color, light, and material. The lighter is as pleasurable to the eye as it is useful. Handcrafted from beginning to end in Tokyo.
Material: Polycarbonate, Steel and Cotton
Size: 60 x 35 x 15 mm
Made in Japan
ハードエッジ マーブル
材質: ポリカーボネイト、スチール 、コットン
サイズ: 60 x 35 x 15 mm
2-21102-70 Tortoise
2-21102-50 Green
2-21002-14 Gray
2-21002-20 Maroon Pink
2-21002-29 Sky